Meeting in Prague

2015-05-18 12:56:30

From 13 to 15 May meeting was held within the project titled „Visegrad Civil Bridge to Ukraine” financied by the Visegrad Fund and implemented by the Ukrainian-Hungarian Regional Development Centre.

The meeting was held in Prague, in the Czech Fundraising Centre with the participation of Czech experts, Jana Ledvinova director and Magdalena Shpachkova coordinator, as well as Karolina Danch, manager of the Ukrainian-Hungarian Regional Development Centre. They discussed the topic (Fundraising – alternative methods of fundraising) of the second workhop 9-13 June, and decided that it will be divided inti theoretical and practical parts in order to increase the level of theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities.

The main purpose of the planned workshop is the constant communication with collegues of other organizations, facilitating experience exchange, creative ideas and developments.